Have you received an email from adsense-adclicks-noreply@google.com with a warning that you�ve violated the AdSense policies? These warnings are usually issued in instances of mild violations that we believe can be fixed quickly.

In addition to an email, you�ll receive a notification in your AdSense account under the �Status� tab. Both the email and notification will explain where your violation occurred and how to fix it and by clicking the link provided, you�ll be sent to the page where the violation has occurred. To resolve the issue, you can either fix the content that violates AdSense policies across your site or remove the AdSense code.

Remember, your site must be compliant in order to participate in the AdSense program. When you�ve made all the necessary changes to your site, check �Resolved� on the site level violation notification in the �Status� tab of your AdSense account. You don�t need to notify us when you�ve fixed the violation; however, you do need to resolve it in a timely manner.
There are cases where ads stop appearing on your site altogether. This can happen when a publisher fails to respond to policy violation warnings, receives multiple warnings, or displays egregious violations across their site(s). Violations are categorized as egregious when we believe they can cause significant harm to advertisers, Google, users, or the overall ads ecosystem.
In these cases you�ll receive an email and a notification in your AdSense account under the �Status� tab to notify you of this change. A link will also be included to show you where the violation appears. You can resolve it by either removing the content in question or by removing the AdSense code from the affected page. It�s important to note that a very small percentage of sites have their ads disabled after receiving a policy violation warning.
Once you�ve corrected the violations across your entire site, you can submit an appeal from the �Status� tab in your AdSense account or by using the AdSense policy troubleshooter. Please bear in mind that we can only review appeals from sites that have AdSense code enabled.

Stay tuned for some best practices to help you avoid a policy violation.
Posted by: Anastasia Almiasheva from the AdSense team
Stay tuned for some best practices to help you avoid a policy violation.
Posted by: Anastasia Almiasheva from the AdSense team
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